This FAQ isn’t a dive guide however you should know that a shore entry at The Cliff should involve swimming south.

If you must go North to Coopers Barge, you should bear in mind that this is a deeper dive and you must avoid the water plant operations. If you swim in the shallows you will come across large chains, warning signs, boats and even intake valves. It is not safe to dive in this area and mitigating it by deeper diving adds additional risk.

The dive to Coopers Barge is long, deep and the barge itself is mostly beyond the maximum recreational depth. You can not swim around the perimeter or even more than half of this barge without breaking this limit.

A round trip journey to Cooper Barge requires a longer deep swim and the objective itself is deeper.

You are not likely to have enough of an air supply for this dive. Some divers will argue with that statement having been there and done it – this is fair, but the advice is even for those divers to heed the warning.

If you have not been there and done it please bear this in mind.